Big girl Kennedy is beyond hilarious! She was such a hoot for her final baby plan session this week! I have loved photographing her first year, but I just hate that its over!
Big girl Kennedy is beyond hilarious! She was such a hoot for her final baby plan session this week! I have loved photographing her first year, but I just hate that its over!
Just look at sweet little Rex! With such a ferocious name, he should be big and bad! But he is insanely cute and sweet and gave me some heart-melting smiles during his three month baby photo plan session!
Newborn baby Ella is less than two weeks old, but she is already totally and completely in love with her big brother. She wouldn’t settle down for long when I was photographing her alone, but the moment I put her in her brothers arms, she let out a big sigh and fell into the deepest sleep. Some people think newborn babies don’t know this kind of thing, but from all the babies I have worked with, I can say they are absolutely born loving those in their family!